王者归来——Protoss Carrier回归!




(可是我的High Templar为什么还是没有出来,55555,暴雪某个人都用他的gif动画做头像了…圣堂武士大人…)

不过为什么颜色变了…之前有下过一张截图,银白色的外形真是帅死了,现在的金属黄…虽然增添了不少质感,还是觉得怪怪的…….拦截机和以前相比变小了好多,不过呢,再次看到成群的Carrier伴随着飞舞的拦截机出现,那种君临天下的感觉又回来了~奇怪,Mothership那么强劲的单位出现(Blackhole被取消了,超级无敌大郁闷…>_<)都没有这样的感觉,看来还是老单位看着亲切,想当年有一阵子,我最喜欢做的事情就是选biggame the hunter这张地图1挑7,最后用Carrier去扫荡一切敌人的~



最高兴的是官网对Carrier最后一段的描写。“However, a handful of heavily armed "super carriers" exist, most famously the Gantrithor. This was the flagship of Executor Tassadar when he led a protoss expeditionary force in its attempts to eradicate the zerg in terran space. The Gantrithor was powerful enough that it single-handedly defeated an entire terran battlecruiser squadron under the command of General Edmund Duke. Tassadar later sacrificed himself and his ship to destroy the zerg Overmind when it manifested on Aiur.”再次看到熟悉的名字真好。没有人愿意自己喜欢的人被遗忘,看来,Blizzard也不希望玩家遗忘^_^真好,这一切真是太美好了,En Taro Tassadar!




When is the game coming out?

At this point, it’s too early to provide an initial estimate on the release date. As with all Blizzard games, we will take as much time as needed to ensure the game is as fun, balanced, and polished as possible.

Nothing but expect.Ich warte auf dich für immer,liebe StarKraft2.

3 thoughts on “王者归来——Protoss Carrier回归!

  1. Lame Saint

    PS:Black Hole是个大Bug,取消是应该的。不过,因此将Mothership从神坛上拉下来,就无趣了。至于某Tassadar,暴雪在某次访问中承认,他们让死者复活的水平非常高,所以自己YY吧。


  2. Lame Saint





    Gateway: Uswest

    13. Re: Starship troopers VS. Starcraft | 11/15/2007 8:23:30 AM GMTST

    I did read the book, and it was totally different from the movie. It was a /good/ book. The movie was only good in the way that dumb action movies are good, and in that way it was totally sweet. I guess humans against space bugs is a fairly common theme – Ender\’s game anybody? They\’re making a movie of that too. That was written in \’85 and should be released in the next 3 years, making it 25 years since it\’s original release date.

    Now, if SST was made into a movie about 48 years after it was a book, and Ender\’s Game will be released ~ 25 years after it was first made, then we can expect SC:the movie about 12 years after SC was originally released, making its release date also around 2010… (the time keeps getting cut in half)

    So does that mean Ender and Raynor will fight over who gets to Kill Kerigen – the /Queen/ of Blades? Will Bean fight Zeretul? Where do Petra and Alai fit in?

    Anyway, back to the origins of this – I think Plasma Bugs could be the zerg\’s answer to a seige weapon. It\’d have to have some sort of randomization to where it hits. Kinda like the THOR has a bombardment effect, this\’d have to have a big area where you aim, and the shots, as slow as they are, land kinda randomly within this area. I don\’t know if it\’d be very useful. Well, maybe for taking out terran d. I guess it\’d work if you made all the lower tier units more weak and more numerous.

    We already have the Brainbug from SST – Cerebrets Cerebral -> Cerebret? And it\’s a big blob with lots of folds in in, like a brain, and like the brain bug. It\’s also immobile, just like the brain bug (if you remember, it had to be carried by smaller scarabs). I say give us the Tankers, which are the plasma bugs. They call em tankers right before Johny Rico jumps up on one, blasts it open with his gun, and then drops a grenade into it.

    Oh and Clarissa Explains it All is one of the shows of my childhood, but nobody else remembers it. I thought I was going crazy.


  3. Lame Saint

    此人主要就SC与《Ender\’s Game》(安德的游戏)、《Starship Troopers》(星船伞兵)之间的相似点做出自己的感想,如Rayor之于Ender、Kerigen之于Queen(安德的游戏中虫族女王)、Bean至于Zeretul,当然读过小说就会知道实际上这种比较还是有出入的,只能说相似。而Marine与Zergling都与星船伞兵的电影中的形象非常相似,而在小说中,脑虫与工蜂也可找到相应的原型(当然不会有什么Overmind了)。其实说白了这个帖子主要就是讨论SC与这两部小说的关系,要是有兴趣,可以去看看这两本小说,毕竟除去与SC说不清的关系以外,他们都名列世界最优秀的科幻小说之列,有着丰富的思想内涵。



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