You are the one, my Hero

很久没有仔细逛过BN了,上次的匆匆一瞥也只是因为给Dark Templar的造型投票(如果不是出现在星际2官网上,或许也不会注意到吧……)忽然想起来投票结果应该已经出来,就跑去看了一下^^

好吧,投两者兼有的占了绝大多数,不过我很高兴地看到支持双刀的没有几个人Oh yeah~~~还是执着地认为,单刀DT才是王道啊~~~

顺便看了几个其他投票, “Who is your favorite StarCraft hero?” 看到这个的时候忽然很后悔,,,我怎么早没看到这个帖子啊……亲手给Tassadar大人投票的机会啊……

PS: 在另一个投票里某人很高兴地看到,Protoss高居榜首捏哈哈……..







My Hero, my Life for Aiur, my love for you.
顺便摘抄一些很有爱的回复: )           蓝色字体是我的感想。


Had to vote Other 🙁
No one can beat the Overmind! (But Tassadar can!!!!!)
Overmind is just awesome, my favorite character.

Raszagal. Her role seems… not fulfilled yet completely. Somehow i believe we will be seeing her again. (I simply think you are mad, if she can, then Tassadar as well

i would have to say tassadar is my favorite because he was so accepting of other species and noble and in the end he made the ultimate sacrifice to save his people
Tassadar, whitout any doubt. He was flexible enough to disregard his orders, and recognize that the Dark Templars were allies, and not enemies, not to mention he physically destroyed the Overmind, and stopped it’s mad plan. (You are right, of course no doubt!)

aldaris was also a big favorite of mine, but part of me didnt want to vote for “other”
en taro Fenix. (Can’t agree more…….i admire Aldaris too, but clearly es gibt keine…..but…En Taro Tassadar!!!)

Though my spirit longs for the noble Protoss tradition, I would gladly serve the Queen of the Zerg unquestioningly… (What say you….traitor…..)

Tassadar, for his excellent vocabulary.
Infested Kerrigan: An illusion? Are you afraid to face me, Templar?
Tassadar: So long as you continue to be so predictable, Oh, Queen, I need not face you at all. You are your own worst enemy.
(I am glad to see that someone was still remembering those words….But i hate <Quenn of Blades>, in that book those excellent words were used in an opposite situation…..)

Tassadar was the best hero in Starcraft, and i feel he was designed to be the universal peacemaker, and then Blizz decided to kill him 🙂
(Agreed…so Blz is the oringin of evil and sin…^^)

I thought Tassadar, but just because of how he was presented in the game.
I always thought it was really cool how Blizzard made Tassadar a relatively enigmatic figure in the Terran campaign, mentioning him only in-between missions. Following that, making him seem like a villain in the Zerg campaign. Only in the Protoss campaign did we suddenly learn a lot more about his personality and morals. (Of course, this is all if you try to pretend you didn’t read the manual!)
Plus, I thought he had the coolest voice and speeches.
Yeah u r right……he indeed had the coolest voice and speeches……….and so did Aldaris

hope they don’t plan on making a bunch of dead heroes miraculously come back like apparently they’re doing with Stukov. Let them be dead HEROES and make NEW CHARACTERS.
(Genau….i just can’t image that if Tassadar reincarmate like Stukov…..That’s TOO TERRIBLE and if so, surely i will abondon Blizzard without any doubt!!)

“Amusing…” – Aldaris (It sounded really cool, right? Tassadar comes first, but Aldaris second!)


I will die for Jim Raynor….. (And I will die for Tassadar…..)


Alexi and Tassadar are BY FAR the two most awsome/badass heros in Starcraft… and they both died…
(Tassadar and Aldaris are the two my favourite hero in Starcraft…and Illidan in Warcraft…and they all died….
I hate Blizzard………….T T)

En Taro Khas, Commander or Commandrix,
Tassadar, Currently 3rd, to Zeratul and Fenix respectivaly
The second Protoss to master the ways of the Khala and Void, let us not forget Adun.
En Taro Tassadar, Carry Forth The Light Of Aiur.
(Yeah man, never forget Adun and his honor…btw i like your signature….)

I voted Tassadar, but my favorite true hero is by all means the Overmind
(I just can’t understand your logic……..the one you voted had killed the one you loved….)

Definitely has to be Zeratul. Not only did his attack kick but (100 damage pwnage) he is arguably the most influential hero in Starcraft (except maybe Kerrigan). It was Zeratul that killed Zasz and gave away the location of Aiur allowing for the Zerg invasion. It was Zeratul that killed the other cerebrates in Shadow Hunters in paving the way to killing the Overmind. This in turn allowed Kerrigan to become free and thus take over the Scourge. It was Zeratul and Artanis that activated the Xel-Naga temple purging all the Zerg from Shakkurus. It was Zeratul who had to kill his own matriarch and become the leader of all of the Dark templar. It was Zeratul who uncovered the Hybrids and the true nature of Samir Duran. There would be no starcraft 2 without Zeratul.
(Agreed……Zeratul used to be the second in my heart but now…..i still can’t accept that it was HE gave Aiur’s location away… now he comes to the third. Anyway, i support you, norble Zeratul.)

Fenix is most ownage ever
I hate kerrigan for killing him! Jimmy wins for me, sorry Tassadar.
I just couldn’t bring myself to infest his command center in the Zerg campaign – still have a problem with that. I mean, this is Jim Raynor.
FYI – the new Jimmy is _not_ my Jim Raynor.
(I also hate… let’s destroy Kerrigan  XD)

(Sorry Tassadar, this word sounds amusing indeed… situation is similar like yours….i coudn’t bring Kerrigan to fight  Tassadar and i never bring myself to infest Aiur in the Zerg campaign…and never allow myself to kill Aldaris in Protoss campaign in BW…)

Fenix by far. He’s the first hero your introduced to in the protoss mission. You get to use him right off the bat. He’s an incredible fighter and hero, and I am deeply saddened by his death. I loved the Fenix/Raynor bond and can see why Raynor hates that ‘queen !@@*# of the universe’ so much. Fenix will forever hold a spot in my heart.
After him, I’d say Tassadar for reasons stated. He was the main man in SC1 and without him jacking Zeretul out of prison he’d still be rotting there. Also notable is Artanis. Young yes, but he’s proven himself in battle and has great respect for his elders (rightly so). I hope we see more action and plot from him.
(Yeah….finally find a guy who also thinks Tassadar was the main man in SC1..)

I hate voting “other”, but I had to.
I love the Overmind! It had mystique, style, and power. Every time I play through the Brood War campaign again I wish I could allow the Overmind to regenerate 🙂
Judicator Aldaris is a very close second. What a fantastic character! And such a powerful voice (provided by Paul Eiding). I loved his story and the conflict involving him, especially in the original StarCraft campaign.
I mourn both of them! 🙁
(I hate Overmind but i love Aldaris……He is really honor to be trusted, also his voice is wonderful!!! Thx guy, because of you i know the voice actor for Aldaris )

Zeratul rocks, it was the best hero at the campaigns, and in my opinion, the best story so far.

Tassadar is also a godlike char, had 1 of the best stories so far, and if he was alive, the longer his life, the better it was… anyway, he was killed and i think hes never coming back.
(Never coming back………maybe, maybe not, but my love, i wish you could die like a true warrior, with absolute honor.)

even if we didnt see him i’d say Adun, he prolly was some kick ass protoss hehe, but i’d put my vote on Tessadar

A Hero will rise from the ashes of Aiur
and im playing for 10 years starcraft
(Boy, i love your signature soooo much~!)

Obama would be destroyed by Raynor; no offense, but Obama might be cool but hes not that cool… at least not as cool as Raynor… or Ron Paul… XD.
Ron Paul can still win!!!!! He can still make it in time before the Inauguration! His super matrix neo power will win the day!
(………….…………….Obama has already won

Today on history:

  1. 2013:  末日前的浪漫·外篇·朝圣(2)

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